Set in their original home, The Central Park Zoo, the fearsome four are back! Not to plan another escape but now their mission is to maintain order in the zoo from their nemesis, the obnoxious new neighbor, King Julien XIII. This party animal & self proclaimed “King of Lemurs” is new to the zoo life & he’s planning to shake things up.
If you loved them before in the big screen, you’ll love them even more now that they have their own mini adventure inside the zoo, with them now, being the big stars.
Below are the cast & some shots of the show:
The Single Minded & Natural Born Leader.
The Scientific Mind.
The Loose Cannon & Demolition Expert.
The Unsure & Naive of the bunch.
Attack Formation
Cute & Cuddly Move
Lemur neighbors, Maurice, King Julien XIII & Mort
the cute & adorable but annoying Mort
Stray Cat Max
New to the Zoo Marlene.
Sewer Croc Roger
Phil & Mason, the sophisticated chimps